Project Pacer International
Providing Sustainable Cardiovascular Care to the Poor

Project Pacer International has been successful in medical missions to developing nations with the assistance of numerous volunteers from the medical community.
If you work in the medical field and want to volunteer your time and services with Project Pacer, please fill out the volunteer application and send along with your CV to Adelqui Peralta, Director of Project Pacer International.
In order to ensure travel to Bolivia, India & Africa you will be required to secure a VISA. Please verify that your documents are current for international travel. For more information on acquiring a VISA visit U.S. Passports & International Travel.
Certain vaccinations may also be required.

Project Pacer International delivers modern expensive cardiac therapies in underdeveloped countries free of any charge. To make this possible, we benefit from corporate and private sponsorships receiving product donations aiming to help our cause.
If you are a representative from a medical supply, pharmaceutical, or medical equipment company servicing an electrophysiology laboratory and would like to discuss opportunities for partnership via
in-kind donations please contact us.